Alien Vs Predator 2: Primal Hunt Expansion Pack



On a routine hunt on Planet LV1201 a lone Predator finds a mysterious artifact with the power to keep the savage Aliens at bay, and as legend has it, even control their minds.

The Predator triggers a stasis field, trapping him for 500 years until Dunya, a human Corporate mercenary, unwittingly frees him and escapes with the artifact. Now the hunt is on to retrieve the mystical artifact before Dunya escapes back to the safety of the lab.

Deadly Choices

As this new interlocking story unfolds, play as Dunya the Corporate mercenary, the 500 year old Predator, or the new lethal hybrid, PredAlien.

Devastating Weaponary

Choose from an arsenal of new weapons as well as all your favorites. Mutilate your enemies with dual pistols, turret guns, and deployable sentry guns. For extra bloodshed, kill with the newly added Predator Energy Flechette.

Dangerous Grounds

Explore never before seen Predator ruins as you make your way through 9 new single-player and 4 new multi-player levels where you'll get acquainted with new breeds of vile creatures on their own mission to stop you dead in
your tracks.

We installed the addon over an uncracked installation of the original avp2





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